

教师 2024-01-18 01:10:20 0
教师资格证常考的语法目录教师资格证常考的语法教师资格证面试常考高中英语语法请问 国家教师资格证高中英语面试,语法课、词汇课什么的,怎么准备啊?特别是语法,全英文怎么讲?!201




请问 国家教师资格证高中英语面试,语法课、词汇课什么的,怎么准备啊?特别是语法,全英文怎么讲?!





    1. 可数名词的单复数变化规则及其意义

    2. 不可数名词的概念及其特点

    3. 冠词的分类及用法:a, an, the

    4. 数词的分类及用法:基数词和序数词


    1. 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词等各类代词的用法

    2. 并列连词(如:and, but, or等)和从属连词的用法

    3. 介词的基本用法,以及常见介词短语的意义和用法


    1. 形容词的分类及其用法,包括比较级和最高级的用法

    2. 副词的分类及其用法,包括时间副词、地点副词、方式副词等

    3. 动词的分类及其用法,包括及物动词和不及物动词、延续性动词和非延续性动词等


    1. 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句的概念及其特点

    2. 主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句的概念及其用法

    3. 并列句的概念及其用法


    1. 主动语态和被动语态的概念及其用法

    2. 现在时态(包括现在进行时、现在完成时等)、过去时态(包括过去进行时、过去完成时等)、将来时态(包括将来进行时、将来完成时等)的概念及其用法


    1. 不定式、动名词和分词的概念及其用法

    2. 非谓语动词与谓语动词的转换规则和技巧


    1. 主从复合句的概念及其特点,包括条件状语从句、让步状语从句等



请问 国家教师资格证高中英语面试,语法课、词汇课什么的,怎么准备啊?特别是语法,全英文怎么讲?!




成绩现场看不到的,,在面试前多关注报名网站,会有范围,(会指明那个出版社那本书,然后有10个课题)面试必须全英文的 讲语法也是(老师会提醒你必须全英文,并且提问也是全英文)语法题多记些专业术语,特别是定语从句,补语,宾语,这些常用的词汇课就按照网上给出的课题先把书买了 然后查出重点单词的用法和给出一些例句就好(可以配套买一本参考书)面试很快。

一个人就5分钟左右如果是给出一篇文章 就先讲文章大致内容 如何分段 每段的意思,然后一个自然段一个自然段的分析,找出重点单词和你认为的难句,分析一下就好,时间很短,估计你讲完段落+几个单词意思就结束了题库里有10套题,,都准备,然后到考场考完笔试后抽签决定考那套,题库有听力,阅读,语法,写作。

都有的哈纯手打 自身经验,,望采纳有需要可以继续追问哈~~



初中英语 语法




Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students will master the rule of the Simple Past Tense.

Ability aim:

Students will able to talk about the things happened in the past in their daily life.

Emotional aim:

Students will learn how to cooperate with others.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: Students will master the structure of the Simple Past Tense.

Difficult Point: Students will use the structure of the Simple Past Tense in daily life.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Ask students a question: what are you reading recently? And ask some students to share with the whole class.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Review the knowledge about the past tense of verbs: write some verbs on the blackboard and ask students to change the verbs into their past tense.

2. Ask students to read the dialogue and pay attention to the background information about Mark Twain. Then ask students some questions: What’ Mark Twain’ real name? When did he born? When did he begin to work? And then invite some students to share the answers with the whole class and write down on the blackboard.

3. Then ask students when these things happened and then tell them the rule of past tense: Simple Past Tense refers to the actions or states happened at a certain moment in the past, or a certain period of time in the past. It is often used with temporal adverbial, such as yesterday, last week and so on.

4. Ask students to read the dialogue again and try to find other sentences which used the Simple Past Tense and share with class. Then tell students the rule of general and special interrogative sentences in the past tense: general interrogative sentences use auxiliary verbs (did) and special interrogative sentences use special interrogative words (what, when, how...).

Step 3: Practice

1. Ask student to role play the dialogue and ask two groups to show in class.

2. Play a game: magic box. There is a magic box which is full of all kind of verbs, ask students to choose one card and then make a sentence with it using the Simple Past Tense.

Step4: Production

Discussion: ask students to talk about what happened to them in the last weekend, they should use the Simple Past Tense and then invite two of them to show their conversation.4 in 1, 5 minutes will be given.

Step5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.

Homework: ask students to practice the usage of Simple Past Tense learned today with desk mates after class.

Blackboard design:


1. Could you list any other temporal adverbials which can be used in The Simple Past Tense?


Usually, we can use yesterday, last night/night/month/weekend/year, the day before yesterday, in 1992 (a year in the past), in the 1990s, at the age of 16 and so on.



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